Wednesday, April 18, 2007

The Quoibles of Humanity

I am constantly amazed by our American society.

In the same breath, someone will literally say, "Isn't that horrible about the VT shootings... and can you believe Sanjaya is still on American Idol?!?"

People are glued to their TV sets, but not to hear how we can help the victims' families of the latest massacre; instead, they are completely rapt by images of warbling teens all vying for the exciting chance to be verbally abused by Simon Cowell.

When did we become so strangely possessed with the ability to immediately disassociate from national tragedies? When did a fleeting moment of fame on a surreal show surpass what really matters in life?

I guarantee you that most families aren't using the VT incident as a chance to have in-depth, heartfelt discussions with one another in an effort to cool some of the angst that grips our youth. No, they are gathered together with their loved ones, silently watching wannabes sing weakened versions of rock and blues tunes. Nary a word will be shared between them, save, "Isn't she awful tonight?" or "Let's try to call this week!"

Am I the only one who finds this troubling?

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