Tuesday, April 10, 2007


When is it that "unmentionables" became... well... mentionable?

I'm specifically talking about women's monthly "visitors". For some reason, females have come to believe that they can discuss their menstruation frequently (and loudly) to anyone, anytime, anywhere.

Isn't this supposed to be private?

I understand that it's a natural thing. So are boils and goiters. Want to hear about them from a stranger on the bus?

I'm not talking about girlfriends privately gabbing with their closest buddies, either. I've met gals only to be given detailed descriptions of the volume, color, and frequency of their flows moments after our introduction. Huh?!? I don't even know what they do for a living, and I'm already privy to the fact that they're ovulating?!?

Ladies. Please. Think.

Tampon ads may be all over the airwaves and panty liners are so commonplace they're practically next to the candy aisle at the grocery checkout... but that doesn't give carte blanche to freely muse about your menstrual cycle. Use a little common sense. I implore you.

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