Sunday, July 1, 2007

Hershey's Kisses

I haven't eaten chocolate for over 11 years.


No chocolate milk. No chocolate bunnies. No chocolate kisses. No chocolate anything.

I repeat: Nothing.

I don't even miss it, nor do I crave it. I don't care if I smell it, I don't care if someone else eats it in front of me, and I don't mind passing up on it.

So. Am I still a chocoholic, as I was before I gave it up? hmm. Is it a real condition or a silly excuse for people to consume mass quantities of the good stuff?

Just wondering aloud tonight.


Lori said...

It's like an alcoholic - a chocoholic cannot touch the stuff or it will be like falling off the wagon. ;)) Honestly, I've found that when I don't have it, I don't miss it. And eating it again isn't very satisfying.

The Quoibler said...


I totally agree.

I really don't want it at all. My family and I went to Hershey Park this week and I wasn't even tempted. Now that's a sign of a recovered chocoholic! :)
